Why Video?  It’s a valid question for any organization, especially young ones, striving to grow with limited resources.  The technological revolution we’ve been living through in the last few decades has disrupted the way we do everything.  This includes the way we talk to each other.

In the past, the written word and a few photographs were enough to draw in our audience. But now, faster internet speeds, ubiquitous mobile devices, and the declining cost of producing video content means that the viewing public expects some sort of video option.  Why Video?

Humans are biologically programmed to interpret faces.  We are wired to focus on them using the same part of the brain that processes emotions.  Voices convey rich information that written words lack, especially emotional context.  Emotions are contagious and we naturally love to share them.  Why Video?

Have you heard the maxim that “Nothing beats word-of-mouth” in advertising? When we speak to someone directly, we gather visual and auditory cues.  Now, one-on-one interactions are just not efficient use of time and energy but video can let you leverage those cues creating word-of-mouth writ large.  

Reel Action Media focuses on sincere and honest content.  The American public has grown cynical towards advertising. We believe the only way to cut through that reticence and cynicism is by conveying sincere and honest emotions. You have a mission or product or goal that you are passionate about, that drives you. We leverage our experience in documentary film to focus on this core passion and we present  it to your audience in a way they can trust.

We are passionate about video as a medium.  We love talking about it with anyone (it’s why Henry Harrison founded the Livingston Film Festival).  If you have questions or if you want to learn more, we would love to talk with you.